Rennes to Jersey Flights -

Our lowest fares from Rennes to Jersey, inc. 23kg hold luggage

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Travel From Rennes


Check-in opens 1 hour 30 minutes before departure and closes 30 minutes before departure.

Nearest Train

The closest train station to Rennes Airport is SNCF stop in Saint-Jacques de la Lande. This station is a 15 minute walk from the airport. A train to Rennes city centre will take around 5 minutes and cost €2.


Parking is currently available in P3.


The C6 bus operates daily, with services every 20 minutes to Rennes city centre (Republique station). Alternatively, No. 57 bus will also take you from Rennes Airport to the city centre (Republique station).

Contact Airport

+33 (2) 99 29 6000
Full Contact Information


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